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Today all Year 8 students completed a session of First Aid Training!What a fantastic, potentially lifesaving, experience for all students and thank you to the Paramedic team who came down to train them!Thank you to Ms Thomas and the Science team for organising!!


Today is World Mental Health Day. Ms Williams has been speaking to faculties in assemblies all week, looking at how we raise awareness and support our own mental health.


Today we celebrated Black History Month in the Canteen! Chef and the kitchen team prepared a feast today, for staff and students to enjoy! Thoroughly enjoyed by all!


We are celebrating Black History Month this month!Ms Bent delivered assemblies to all faculties last week, looking at Reclaiming Narratives.We have several competitions & challenges happening this month! We can’t wait to see what the students come up with!


Just some of the prep going in to making the evening a success!


Last night we opened our doors once again for Y6 Open Evening! After a talk from our Head of Academy, visitors got to explore all the wonderful things going on in subjects! Thank you to all families that attended last night, we hope you got a feel for the Invictus spirit!


Harris Invictus Open EveningOn Thursday, 3rd October 2024, our outstanding Academy looks forward to welcoming prospective Year 6 pupils and their parents for our annual Open Evening. Harris Invictus website:


Harris Invictus Open EveningOn Thursday, 3rdOctober 2024, our outstanding Academy looks forward to welcoming prospective Year 6 pupils and their parents for our annual Open Evening.


This week we are celebrating both the European Day of Languages AND Banned Book Week!Ms Smith, our librarian has created a wonderful display to share with students some recommended literature for students to explore!


Here’s Ms Cullen stunning her Year 10 group with science today, using the Van Der Graff Generator! Teaching the static electricity topic in physics, she used the static electricity created in her, to light this Bunsen burner! Super science!


Love love love


This week we have been celebrating World Afro Day 2024! Ms Bent has been delivering assemblies all week and today was our annual Hair Salon; students came down to do their hair!A great time for everyone involved! Happy World Afro Day everyone!


A new academic year means plenty of new opportunities and places to explore! Today some of GCSE Drama students headed to to see with Head of Drama, Ms O’Neill. A brilliant opportunity to combine theory and practical!


Today was Year 7 Picture Day!!! We love this day of the year, where our new students are looking smart, shiny, and confident, ready for their new photos!


It was great to welcome back all of our fantastic students to the academy today!All students had an assembly by the Head of Academy, Mr Scott, and Senior Vice Principal, Mr Manners!We’re looking forward to a year of hard work & successes for all staff and students!


Congratulations to our students today! Well done on receiving the rewards of your hard work this year!


Congratulations to our students today! Well done on reviving the rewards of your hard work this year!


🌟 Congratulations to all of our Kinetic Academy Year 13s who received their results last week!We're ever so proud of each and every one of them. Seeing their growth on and off the pitch over the last two years has been amazing. A special mention as well to all the teachers and…


Good luck and congratulations to all our students receiving their exam results today! 💫 |


Congrats Hassan! Welcome to Queen Mary! 😎

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Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education

On this page we explain what we mean by spiritual, moral, social and cultural education (SMSC) at Harris Invictus Academy Croydon, and how we approach teaching it.

What we mean by SMSC

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education covers the following areas.

  • Spiritual -  exploring beliefs and experience; respecting values; discovering oneself and the surrounding world; using imagination and creativity; reflecting.
  • Moral - recognising right and wrong; understanding consequences; investigating moral and ethical issues; offering reasoned views.
  • Social - using social skills in different contexts; working well with others; resolving conflicts; understanding how communities work.
  • Cultural - appreciating cultural influences; participating in cultural opportunities; understanding, accepting, respecting and celebrating diversity.

Tutorial Programme (SMSC tasks)

As part of our tutorial programme we have a weekly SMSC task in which all students in the academy take part. Topics cover an extensive range of subjects which develop students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding, including politics, media and religion.

Information is presented without bias, challenging students to discuss and debate issues taking place across the world as well as in Britain. Students are encouraged to interrogate the moral, cultural, spiritual and social aspects of the world around them. They develop a balanced point of view and empathy for those in the wider and local environment.


Assemblies at Harris Invictus Academy Croydon foster a sense of enquiry and interest in a range of religious, spiritual, moral, social, cultural and wider life issues, and provide clear guidance on what is right and wrong.

They link to the weekly SMSC tutor activity and are themed around current affairs, global and local issues and key aspects of the SMSC curriculum which are relevant to our context.

Each assembly encourages a sense of community and loyalty to the Hub and the Academy underpinned by a community spirit, a common ethos and shared values. Each week offers the opportunity of a public platform to encourage and celebrate individual and collective successes.

2024 – 2025 Assemblies

2 Sept 2024


Welcome Back

9 Sept 2024


World Afro Day

16 Sept 2024


Student Leadership

23 Sept 2024


European Day of Languages

30 Sept 2024


Black History Month

7 Oct 2024


World Mental Health Day

14 Oct 2024


Safeguarding - Malicious Communication


4 Nov 2024


National Stress Awareness Week

11 Nov 2024


Anti Bullying Week (Make a Noise)

18 Nov 2024


Charity Focus/ Islamophobia Awareness Month

25 Nov 2024


White Ribbon Day

2 Dec 2024


Charity Focus

9 Dec 2024


Tree of Hope

16 Dec 2024


World Aids Day/Celebration Assemblies


6 Jan 2025


Welcome Back

13 Jan 2025


Online safety

20 Jan 2025


Holocaust Memorial Day

27 Jan 2025



3 Feb 2025


LGBT History Month

10 Feb 2025


International Day of Women and Girls in Science


24 Feb 2025


Charity Focus/ World Book Day

3 Mar 2025


World Book Day/ International Women's Day

10 Mar 2025


International Women’s Day/ Pi Day

17 Mar 2025


Pi Day/ Neurodiversity Celebration Week

24 Mar 2025


Neurodiversity Celebration Week/ Women's History Month

31 Mar 2025


Celebration Assemblies


21 April 2025


Welcome Back

28 April 2025


Local History Month

5 May 2025


Charity Focus

12 May 2025


Mental Health Awareness Week

19 May 2025


World Day for Cultural Diversity

26 May 2025




2 June 2025


Pride Month

9 June 2025


Healthy Eating Week

16 June 2025


Windrush Day

23 June 2025


Refugee Awareness Week

30 June 2025


Charity Focus

7 July 2025


Inclusion and Sport

14 July 2025


Summer Safety

21 July 2025


Celebration Assemblies


Engaging with the local community

Work experience - students in Year 10 develop a range of skills related to the world of work when they participate in Work Experience. Students are given positions in the local and wider community in order to gain valuable social skills and experience of the world around them.

Guest speakers - visiting speakers to the Academy enable our students to gain first-hand knowledge of charities and businesses in the local community.

Celebrations open to the public - our very popular musicals and Rewards Evenings are open to members of the public to attend, forging social and community engagement.

Enrichment programme

Our enrichment programme provides extra-curricular activities designed to be fun and enhance our students’ experience at the Academy. Our students extend their learning beyond that of the standard curriculum in an environment that caters for and challenges all. They develop a range of essential skills that will help them become active, enterprising and well-rounded individuals. Students are expected to attend at least one enrichment activity on a weekly basis each term where they will enjoy a range of fun activities in a social setting.

Student leadership

Student Leadership is the individual and collective perspective and actions of young people within the context of learning and education at Harris Invictus Academy Croydon. Students vote for their form representatives and apply for student leadership roles across the Academy. Our young people are empowered to give their opinions and suggestions on Academy life in an open, democratic, secure and constructive way.

Religious Education and Philosophy

The curriculum for Religious Education (RE) and Philosophy is broad and well-balanced, promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students, and helping to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Our RE themes involve respect, self-esteem, appreciation and wonder and open-mindedness. We offer a balanced approach to students’ religious education which is broadly Christian, but encompasses all major faiths.